News and Updates
Merrie Monarch Festival 2021 Officially Moving Forward
After months of developing rigorous safety guidelines and a television broadcast plan that will allow for a virtual audience experience, the Merrie Monarch Festival announced today that the hula competition will be held this summer.
Merrie Monarch Festival 2021 No Ticket Sales
HILO, Hawaiʻi – November 28, 2020 – Organizers and sponsors are working together on options for holding the Merrie Monarch Festival in 2021, but it is clear that there will be no live audience. “Having to cancel last year’s event was a very hard decision but...
2020 Merrie Monarch Ticket Refund Deadline – June 30th
Aloha mai kākou, we hope you and your ‘ohana are healthy, safe, and taking these challenging times in stride. As a reminder, the deadline to submit your tickets for a refund is next Tuesday, June 30th. We ask that all individuals who would like a refund for tickets...
2020 Merrie Monarch Ticket Returns and Refunds
Mahalo for your patience during this unprecedented moment, and allowing us time to take care of pressing matters as well as think through a fair process for dealing with the issued hula competition tickets.
Merrie Monarch Festival 2020 Cancelled
”HILO, Hawaiʻi – March 12, 2020 – In light of safety and health concerns and after serious consideration, the organizers and sponsors of the 2020 Merrie Monarch Festival announced today that the event will not be held. “This was such a hard decision to make,” said...